When I was growing up, I memorized the, “7 Deadly Sins.” For some reason, these seven sins listed in Proverbs resonated with me and I took them to heart:
“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies and one who sows discord among brethren.” In other words: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, wrath, greed and sloth. As I have grown in my walk with the Lord, I have learned sin is sin. Most sin can, in most cases, be traced back to these 7 elements. Why? They are basic to the human experience. Face it, we are all human thus we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. That is a fact we cannot escape. The key is having a relationship with Jesus Christ. What so many people forget is getting their heart right. It’s one thing knowing Christ and the consequence of sin. Its another to know Christ and knowingly choose to live a life full of sin. You can’t walk with Jesus holding hands with the Devil. It doesn’t work that way.
Now I tell you all of this because I have decided to postpone my regular schedule post to write this one. I have spent the morning looking, reading and researching a “hot” news topic. It is a story that, in the end, will effect us all. Everyone seems to have an opinion. There seems to be very few facts – that is what makes this truly amazing. Yes, you guessed it, I am referring to the Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh.
I have taken the time to read up on Judge Kavanaugh. I challenge you, regardless of how you feel on the matter, to do the same. You cannot possibly make any rational, logical, impartial, fact based or intelligent decision unless you do. Watching TV does not count as research. It is a known fact that the media spins, omits and plays a narrative. In this particular instance, his character and ability to sit on the supreme court is being questioned by an action allegedly committed in high school. It is in no way being determined by his experience, education, record or qualifications that led him to being one of the top judges in the country.
Stop and think about this for one minute – are you proud of every action, behavior, thought, belief or associations you had in high school? Can you clearly recollect them all? Are you the same person you were back then? For me, I graduated over 38 years ago and I can say no to all of the above. Did you hide things from your friends? parents? elders? Were you ever caught doing something you were not so proud of looking back at it? Now let me ask you this, what if all of a sudden out of the blue, you were accused of doing something all those years ago, you didn’t do? {Post edit – or something you may have done but spent a lifetime repenting for.}
Do I know if Judge Kavanaugh is guilty? No, I do not. I do not know if he is innocent. But here are a few things I do know:
Ms. Ford took her allegation to a politician NOT a law enforcement officer. Why? What does/did she stand to gain from doing this? As a victim of a sex crime, what could a politician do for her that a law enforcement officer could not? If she was seeking justice, the LEO could get that for her.
Why did Ms. Ford wait nearly 40 years to come forward? Why was this alleged crime not investigated earlier? If it was so heinous, why wait so long? Why did she at least not journal it to keep the details or seek mental help? I am a victim of sexual abuse and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, you do not forget details. Ever. (And by the way, I would never seek out a politician with any information.)
A true victim who seeks justice would never set parameters before giving their testimony or story. They would be more concerned about the truth coming to light than anything else. Just confronting their attacker would be empowering (not to mention scary) it would not make a difference what else transpired. If they truly believed they were doing the right thing for the right reason, there would be no conditions.
There was one report which stated Ms. Ford allegedly called a friend on her cell phone after the attack – which took place around 1982. Uh, Judge Kavanaugh graduated high school in 1983. The first handheld cell phone was released on March 13, 1984 and cost $3,995. Uh, did Ms. Ford and her friends (they would have had to have one, too) have access to prototypes? Were the dates wrong? If so, then it didn’t occur when the Judge was in high school. This is baffling.
I’ve worked with law enforcement. Heck, you don’t have to work with law enforcement – just be around children. When something happens do you not ask the basic questions – what did you do? What Happened? So imagine demanding an investigation – what happened? A sexual assault. What kind? Not sure – not actually rape. When did it occur? Not sure. Somewhere around 1982 or 1983. Sometime in there. Where did it happen? In a house. Can you be more specific? Not really. About what time? Not really sure. So let’s see if we get this straight – it was a sexual assault that took place somewhere at sometime in some year but you are not sure those details? But you want it investigated? And then you will testify? It might just be me, but are you out of your mind? What exactly do we have to go on? Oh, an accusation. That’s enough. He is of course guilty. Why? Because you said so.
Four alleged witnesses. All four do not corroborate her story. Obviously, Soros and Feinstein do not have their numbers… yet.
Side note – Feinstein had no issue with Bill Clinton. Let’s remember he paid off his sexual harassment accusers, slept with an intern, lied about it under oath and has a sexual assault case that was not heard because the statute of limitations ran out all while serving as President of the United States. Not once did she call for an FBI investigation or indicate he should be impeached for such behavior. Its different I guess. Our President doesn’t need to have morals, character, integrity or self control. He can screw whoever he wants along with the American people as long as he does what the Legislative Branch wants. As long as the President is controllable by a body of elected officials who have self appointed themselves as dictators, he can pretty much do whatever he wants and be painted as a great man. Good to know.
The US Constitution in the 6th Amendment guarantees all citizens “the right to a fair and speedy trial.” It basically established the “innocent until proven guilty” mantra that is present in the US legal system. Hate to say it, but this is one case where this is clearly not present. Judge Kavanaugh has been found guilty based on no evidence, no witnesses and no testimony which clearly has to be a first – wait. It isn’t. Remember Emmett Till? Sure you do. No one wants to talk about it. He was 14. Just being a boy. A girl (who it later turns out recanted her story) falsely accused him of “grabbing her” and saying all these things to her. Emmett was brutally lynched and murdered. No proof; no evidence. Let THAT sink in.
I also offer up the 8th Amendment in this instance. It protects individuals from cruel and unusual punishment. It states American citizens are free from torture, humiliating punishments or punishments which degrade a human being. This is not Kavanaugh’s first rodeo with Congress. It took them 3 years to approve him the last time. You would think, THINK, all this would have come up then. Nope. They finally approved him to the Circuit court. They were trying to delay his appointment due to his rulings and what they felt were his “leanings.” How can legal rulings be political? It’s interpretation of the law. So, let me see if I get this straight, he’s already been grilled by Congress and approved by the Senate – 3 years worth – and investigated by the FBI SIX TIMES- and none of this came up. (oh, BTW – he’s been investigated by the FBI for positions held more than once) Now, it is some freak show because he was nominated to the Supreme Court. How is this not degrading? This is the same legislative body who thinks Guantanamo Bay is too harsh for known and confirmed terrorist. But what they are doing right now to this man is perfectly acceptable?
Reminder folks: 17 million taxpayer dollars have gone to settling sexual harassment claims against Congress members. Some of these upstanding, concerned members are the very same ones outraged by the behavior of a teenage boy 40 years ago that they cannot prove brought by a woman with no evidence. He is such an embarrassment to the establishment. In so saying, maybe it is time that the American people see where their hard earned tax dollars have gone and the names with amounts of every penny of that money is released. I mean, after all, the fine upstanding members of Congress are all about transparency and fairness, yes?
Keep in mind, Judge Kavanaugh came to his most recent Senate hearings with over 42,000 pages of documentation which equated to more than the 5 previous nominees combined. He has served on the 2nd highest court in the land since 2006. He has been confirmed before the Senate previously thus been investigated by the FBI (more than once.) He was on the President’s staff (another investigation.) So it begs the question, why is this just now surfacing?Maybe it could be that he has been labeled the most or second most conservative voting judge on all policy issues in DC?
I will end my points with this. Some one pointed out a Reuters poll stated only 31% of Americans polled support Kavanaugh’s appointment. I have to question that number. Who were polled? Of those polled, can they name more than 1 sitting judge on the supreme court? Can they name the last ruling handed down by the supreme court? Can they tell you the purpose of the supreme court? And finally, can they tell you anything about Judge Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill? Do they know why that is a relative question? I am curious to know why someone is not asking that question right now. Why is it that Judge Thomas was not decimated in the eyes of public opinion, the Senate floor and career ruined; why was Ms. Hill not portrayed as the true victim she was and the strong courageous woman for coming forward in real time, taking on the establishment and being fearless? Just asking.
I am not dismissing Ms. Ford (Dr. Ford.) Obviously, she is an intelligent woman. She, too, in the end will truly be a victim. Her life will never be the same after all of this is over. Whatever she thinks she stood to gain from this or whatever she was enticed with from a third party, will not materialize. She was merely a pawn in a game she is not qualified or equipped to play. I do pray for her. I pray that she has the strength to see this through to the end. And I pray that she finds whatever it is she was seeking.
I do welcome the FBI. I say call them. It pains me to say because it is my tax dollars that will be funding this investigation. But I want a full, fair and unbiased investigation. I want both Kavanaugh and Ford investigated. Every phone record, email, friend, closet, tweet, facebook post, everything. Nothing at this point can be off limits. A forensic team needs to be brought in as well. If a record points to person A who leads to person B then investigate person A & B. No one is off limits. We want to know why congressmen and senators had information and when they got it and how they got it. How did they meet Ms. Ford and all the details. Lay all the cards out on the table. This investigation is not, can not and should not be one sided. If it is then it is a witch hunt and nothing more. Like it was pointed out before, Kavanaugh has been investigated before. Use that as a starting point. Use the three years of the senate hearings. Question the gaps the fine elected officials let go. Many are the exact same ones sitting there today.
As a mother, wife, friend, aunt, sister-in-law, youth leader, I can say this whole thing disturbs me. If a mere accusation can lead to automatic guilt and the absence of due process, what does that mean moving forward? While this is clearly a politically charged debate, the ramifications have a much broader impact. People are paying attention. As a woman, I am offended. I do not understand how anyone cannot be.
[After post commentary – it has been brought up that this goes much deeper. If Kavanaugh is appointed to the Supreme Court there is the chance Roe v. Wade will be overturned. Seriously? Have people lost their minds? Has basic law and civics truly been forgotten? A Supreme Court ruling CANNOT be overturned, idiots! Hence – SUPREME COURT. It’s rulings are final. What can happen is new cases presented can be ruled on and set new precedent. However, they cannot be in direct conflict with earlier laws. People, have you lost your minds completely? Are you so afraid that one man who interprets the law based on the constitution and the letter of the law will manipulate it to the point of being controlled by a political party’s belief system then you need to go back to Congress and the Senate and clean house. The Supreme Court has 12 judges – 12 not 1. Not every case is heard by the Supreme Court. There are judges in lower courts that are far more dangerous and outspoken in bias than any of the 12 sitting on the Supreme Court. Who is speaking up against them? Who opposes their appointments and or election? Oh, that’s right, no one. Since writing the original post, it has come out that Judge Kavanaugh may have “partied and drank” in college. Oh my! Let us pull him to the public square and stone him. I challenge any of you to visit a college campus today and see how it is any different. Really. What is the famous quote? “But I didn’t inhale?” Give me a break, people. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Again, I am in no way diminishing Ms. Ford’s allegations. I am merely stating there is something not quite right. The other “women” have already been dismissed. Wake up, folks. This is setting a HUGE prescience on many levels and if it does not bother you then there is something seriously wrong with you.]
I have always believed our political system as it exists today undermines our political system as our founding fathers meant for it to be. Basic civics have been forgotten. There isn’t even trying anymore. Hence the 7 deadly sins. No where else are they so abundantly clear and spelled out than in our politicians. They don’t even try to hide it anymore. They parade it around like badges of honor: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies and one who sows discord among brethren.
We are stuck watching as the drama unfolds. Don’t get sucked in based on emotion or propaganda. Pray. Most importantly, find out the real truth and facts for yourself. Pledge no allegiance to a party. Parties are made up of people and people are flawed. Plan on voting. Vote based on the ultimate voting guide. Don’t compromise the truth, values and principals because someone tells you to. Watch who you hold hands with; remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil. Standing alone when you know you are right beats standing with the crowd when you are wrong. The FBI gives some warm and fuzzies… don’t know why. Weren’t some just calling them some horrible names and wanting them investigated? Hey, if everyone gets investigated, call them.
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