I just don’t seem to be able to quiet my mind. It is like a squirrel at a rave. Not that I am sure what exactly a rave is. I am only familiar with the portrayals in books and movies and television shows. Yet, we all have seen squirrels trying to cross the road. So anyone can imagine a squirrel ampped up. That is what is like. My thoughts are rushing through and I can honestly say, I am funny (at least to myself,) highly sarcastic, opinionated and I focus entirely on the oddest things. I may appear grumpy or distant but I am not. It is just my mind will not shut up. Random thoughts:
I got quite peeved this weekend accompanying my husband to his annual company dinner. They played the National Anthem. I love the National Anthem, do not get me wrong. Here’s the thing. If you are going to play the National Anthem, have folks stand for it, know that most will salute it. If you are going to salute it, what are we saluting? The flag. They had two huge screens. A big ballroom, tables for all, a stage, a sound system, videos, power point presentations and more. Do you know what they did not have? A flag. No flags – not an image, not a big one, not a stand, none on the tables… nothing. So, here is a room full of people, standing, saluting while the National Anthem played – many of them singing along (to a recording mind you) but no flag. There was a person on the stage, with the spotlight on them, holding the microphone looking as dumbfounded as some of us. Really? I understand it was a small overlooked detail but for me, it was an important detail. It, how do southern folks say it, stuck in my crawl.
I ran across a book written by a licensed pilot regarding the 9/11 attacks. He put together a narrative contrary to what many say transpired that day. Turns out shortly after that book and the other one he wrote was published with quite a bit of compelling evidence and supporting documentation, he was found shot in the head along with his two teenage children. One of the books, the longer of the two, is no longer in print or cannot be purchased new from traditional sources to include amazon but can be bought from used booksellers. However, the used prices, if you can actually find a copy start at or about $250 per copy and it is not available online. After reading what the books are about and reader’s comments, the curious part of me does sort of want to read one or both of them. But there is a part of me that really doesn’t want to. I hate to admit it. I know our government is corrupt and would go to great lengths to “make things happen” or spin an agenda. I studied the “new world order” back in college when no one was talking about it; when it wasn’t cool and when George H. Bush talked of “1,000 points of light.” There is just part of me that doesn’t want to go there. I believe we should educate ourselves and know all sides of the story. I am ashamed that there is part of me that wants to remain ignorant to this. I do not wish to believe any American could have possibly had anything to do with that day. I ask myself, what difference would it make? Maybe it would and maybe it wouldn’t. I know mistakes were made on our part. I know this. But to what extent was our involvement? One day, I may revisit this. I know nothing truly changes the events of that day. I know our government, for the most part, is corrupt. I know there are heroes that arose from 9/11. I know the world changed that day. I guess it all just bothers me.
Speaking of 9/11, I had a job where I traveled. I traveled before 9/11 and after 9/11. I can tell you about the difference at airports from first hand experience. Some airports are a little more strict than others but security, in general, tightened up across the board at all airports. If you wanted to board a plane, you could expect to have your bag checked, take off your shoes, jacket and remove your electronic devices. You had to walk through a metal detector and/or be “wand” down. There were no exceptions. Kids had to do it, too. After the checkpoint, only those with a ticket were allowed – no exceptions. You also had to have a photo ID which matched your ticket. Yet one of the biggest news stories is the border wall. We expect security at airports – heck, bus stations, train stations and our ports but how dare we expect it at our borders? I went through hoops to get to my gate so I could catch a plane – and I was a platinum traveler – and I could still be pulled out of line, at the gate, to be further searched. Yet, it is perfectly acceptable to not expect the same at our borders? International travelers had an extra line of security to go through. But anyone can walk over the border and it is acceptable. They don’t even have to use the ‘doors.’ Let’s not discuss the ID issue. Or look at the fact for a child to travel alone there had to be paperwork and they had to be assigned to an agent. That’s right. You can’t take you minor child to the airport and drop them off and let them fly alone. See what I am getting at here? This one thing – flying at an airport – clearly demonstrates multiple instances of issues being protested and debated in our country today yet not one person is citing airport travel as a legitimate reason against any. You won’t hear anyone debate opening our airports up and eliminate security screenings (maybe you will hear debate about making them tougher or working on their effectiveness but all agree security is needed,) you won’t hear anyone debate whether or not you need a photo ID. You won’t hear anyone complain about the unaccompanied minor policy.
Define irony – wanting to cancel the State of the Union address because of security reasons but failing to address the border issue because of security issues. What planet are you from? Where I come from that is called wanting to have your cake and eat it, too. Politicians have security. Some of the best in the world, in fact. Maybe, just maybe, the State of the Union would give constituents the opportunity to see and hear their elected official’s reasoning on the border issue rather than an excuse to avoid it. It is a platform for both sides to sound off and I don’t recall a time in recent history when either were impromptu. Thus, get busy articulating and stop making excuses. Walls can be scaled; that much we know. If they do not work; however, please help me understand why we have gated communities, walls around prisons, walls on interstates etc. Albeit each serves a different purpose, they all have a purpose and they seem to, for the most part, do their job. No one wants to keep immigrants out of our country. I can’t speak for everyone but for me, I want to keep illegal immigrants from living a life of luxury, claiming rights – living freedoms granted under the constitution and Declaration of Independence (which was for citizens) – getting free stuff that I as a taxpayer who works and has to pay and can’t always afford for me or my family has to pay – I want that stopped. There is a process and they can follow that process like so many before them and they will be welcome with open arms. When we establish sanctuary cities, we are breaking the law – period. When we turn our back on our own to support illegals, it is wrong. Two illegals make a legal? When does two wrongs make a right? I do not care who you are, where you came from, what you are escaping – if you truly wish to come to this country for the American dream, then come. Do it the correct way, the legal way, become a citizen, conform to our laws and do not expect to convert my country to the country you left. Oh and by the way, speak English and respect the flag.
While we are the subject of excuses, I have to mention the government shutdown. Statistics show the average American has not been affected by the government shutdown – which is in its 3rd or 4th week now. However, no one is immune from the woe is me stories that are printed, published and plastered daily. Every one, including those employed by the Federal government knows the federal government is bloated and full of bureaucracy. I worked for a local government for 10 years – I know how it was run so I can only imagine on a federal level. I know I went from being mission critical to being nothing more than, “the girl who takes pictures and surfs the internet” when a new manager was hired. It is all in the perspective of leadership. Was that the case? No. Did it matter? No. My position was eliminated to save money. Have they saved money? No. They have spent it on other things. It is how government works. So as I work hard to find another job, I can empathize with those not receiving a paycheck. However, here is the difference and what the news and sob stories fail to remind us all – in most cases, they will get all their back pay when the shutdown is over. They are not loosing money; they are just not receiving regular paychecks. What other job does that? Unless they are truly furloughed, they will be receiving a check. When you work for the government, you know upfront, RIFs, furloughs, cutbacks, etc. are all possibilities because of how it is structured. You acknowledge this upon being hired. It sucks. It does not make it easy. It is the job you chose. It is a reality you face. Also, if you have worked for the government longer than a year, this isn’t your first rodeo, my friend. Here’s the thing: use your power for good. Instead of moaning and complaining, educate people. You have the power. Remember, you work for the government but the government reports to you. You cannot be political on the job – you’re not on the job right now are you? You are just as important as anyone coming across our border. I’d dare say under the constitution and as a vetted employee of the Federal government, you have earned your right more so. Act like it. I think it is funny sometimes. We do not need politicians to shut down the government. We need men and women committed to change. They can’t replace everyone at once. Not because there are not available workers – because of the process – a process the committee called they put in place. It is still, “We the People.” In other words, if all government workers just decided not to go to work one day or two days or three days, it would be a true government shutdown – one that would be felt by every one including those in Washington. Please do not get me wrong, I do feel bad for anyone not getting paid. I truly know what that feels like. I know what it feels like to worry about bills and groceries and medicine. I was laid off. I don’t get back pay. I could go on. Just know that like any job, working for the government doesn’t guarantee anyone job security. It is an urban myth.
For those who like a good urban myth/legend, North Carolina actually has one. I looked it up and verified it. It’s called, “the Beast of Bladenboro.” This interested me for a couple reasons. We just drove thru Bladenboro for one and who knew? Such a lovely little Town. In any case, the beast is allegedly believed to be “a large, possibly vampiric cat-beast that might also be part bear and will brutally murder your pets and/or livestock when you aren’t looking.” This “legend” started around 1954 when a string of mysterious, gruesome deaths started hitting animals in and around Bladenboro. There were reports of broken jaws, crushed heads and blood completely drained from the animal’s bodies. Eyewitness accounts varied but indicated something feline but much larger and more powerful. It made national news. There were all sorts of hunting parties that went after whatever it was but to no avail. The killings have stopped, at least for now, but somewhere there is the beast of Bladenboro or maybe it migrated to somewhere else…
Like my kitchen. I have two cats. One is older and one is younger. Obviously, they are not from the same liter. They are something else. I would not call them vampires but at times, they can sure suck the patience out of me. I love them dearly. I know my husband only tolerates them because I like them. For that, I am appreciative. I have learned cats are not stupid, mindless pets. They are over zealous, curious creatures of habit and they can be trained. They find amusement in the simplest of things and usually those things can annoy me. But they are have this uncanny way of just knowing things. They are observant – when they want to be. They can be flippant and completely pretend they did not see, hear or do anything. They have a warped sense of humor and if they are bored, they will find a way to amuse themselves. Believe it or not, they are loyal animals. Usually, they are loyal to whoever feeds them but they are also loyal in the sense that they know family and they know when something is “off.” Cats are strange animals, truth be told. I guess that is why I like them so much. No two are alike.
There isn’t really a point to all this. Just random thoughts. I thought I would share.
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