As previous posts suggest, I have opinions. I tend to believe I am one that base my opinions on logic, facts and reason – at least most of the time. I will admit, there are some things and some occasions where I toss all rational thought to the wind and base every thing solely on feelings – feelings I get way down deep inside and feelings that are embedded in the part of me that makes me who I am. If that is indeed the case, you will not move me or change my mindset; only God can. Trust me when I say, I stay connected to the Holy Spirit and I am pretty confident in my stances on most issues. As I mature and grow stronger in my walk, I have been more convicted in some areas and even done a complete 180 in areas from where I was decades ago. I am not above admitting when and where I was wrong. I have also learned that staying quiet is often the best course of action. This is a lesson I have learned the hard way.

I do not want to go into a long drawn out opinion piece or relay copious amounts of what my husband refers to as “propaganda.” Seriously. What good will that do? Nothing. It ruffles my feathers and gets me all riled up. Not to mention makes my mood not so pleasant. I do have to take a moment that today, of all days, to say I had an epiphany. I am quite sure I have had it before but today it burned my britches to the point I truly yelled out loud, “ENOUGH!” I brought it on myself so really I don’t have anyone to blame. I could have avoided the entire thing but I didn’t. Let me explain.

Me, being me, decided to look up the State of the Union address that was delivered last night. I was curious as to learn of the key points the President relayed. I knew (for a lack of a better word) it would be a poop storm in the media but I figured I would be able to at least glean the jest of it. Mercy! If I didn’t learn anything else, I learned a bunch of women dressed in white, a WWII veteran was honored, the approval rating of the speech was favorable, he did not mention the government shutdown or gun violence, he did promise our country would never become a socialist nation and Nancy Pelosi delivered the hand clap heard around the world.

I learned a few other things but those were the most commented things. Now there were all sorts of claims. I think I read hundreds of comments UNTIL I read this one: “…Getting this government working for the people will take time. We need to protect our House Majority. That work starts now.” That was tweeted by Nancy Pelosi during the SOTU.

I immediately stopped reading everything as soon as I read that. I do not care if Ms. Pelosi tweeted that. I do not care if Mr. Burr posted it. I don’t care if Mr. Obama or Mr. Trump posted it. The words alone from any sitting member of our elected (key word there) said it, tweeted it, posted it, supports it, shares it, etc. I have a problem and it clearly demonstrates the problem we face. Read it again. “Getting our government working for the people  will take time…” No ma’am. From the moment you and all your colleagues were elected you made up the government and that government you made up worked for the people. It is the oath you took so it does not take time. If you haven’t been doing it you have failed at THE most basic duty of your job and should immediately be terminated. There is no ifs, ands or buts. “We need to protect our House Majority.”  No ma’am. Your second most basic job duty is not to protect “our” anything as it relates to the government but instead to represent the needs and defend the constituents who elected you to office. They put their trust in you to do a job; not send you to build an empire that caters to your personal preference and thirst for power. I do not care if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian or no-affiliation, thems the terms. Anyone who does not agree needs to be sent packing. Period. No discussion. It is NOT up for debate.

I am not singling Ms. Pelosi out for I am sure her sentiments are shared by many in the Legislative Branch. Like I said, all of them who agree need to go regardless of affiliation. I just quit reading after I saw that particular comment. I took a moment to digest what I had been reading.

Rather than anything of relevance, comments ranged from personal attacks on various people in attendance at the speech to include the President, assumptions about everyone in the room, opinions on issues that should have been brought up but were not, memes of every possible facial expression – body movement – eye roll – etc., twisting of words to fit agendas, comparisons to everything from past presidents to political movements and regimes. Everyone had a spin, advice, prediction, criticism, threat, what was wrong, what was left out, the errors, how everything spoken was a lie, a call for action, a joke, an attack and support or retelling of what was said.

I don’t think I expected something different really. I do not think I expected five different rebuttals. I had to laugh. I laughed at the media breakdown of the speech. I laughed at the comments made by people from all sorts of groups, organizations and plain individuals. I did until I ran across that one comment. Then I just had enough.

In the south there is a saying, “Piss or get off the pot.” Ever been called a “backseat driver” or a “Sunday morning quarterback?” The chances of being successful by just talking is about as likely of catching a plane standing at a bus stop holding a train ticket. It is so easy to point out the problems – it is so easy to perpetuate the problems – it is so easy to magnify the problems – it is so easy to create the problems – but not one single thing gets solved in the process. When you are so busy focusing on the differences, on being hellbent on making sure every one clearly understands there is an issue and their role in the issue, creating clear lines that divide, ripping off band aides to old wounds and gouging old wounds that have healed so the hurt and blood rise to the surface just to make sure no one forgets the scars were there – how in the world do you ever move forward? When you diminish any success of anyone and tear down progress but constantly reminding everyone of failure and despair; when you encourage a mindset of me, me, me and it is encouraged to be a victim almost to the point of a competition – when it is acceptable to belittle anyone in any manner as long as it suits your agenda, furthers your narrative but they dare not return the sentiment – when hard work is expected only from some and trash talk from others – when it is not ok to bully from the trenches but perfectly fine to do so from positions of elected power – when equality is measured by income not by character – when it is acceptable to take from others as long as they are not taking from you while you are advocating at the top of your lungs how you have been oppressed never having worked a day in your life – when, did our humanity leave us?

See, I am getting into the manusha and I did not want to. Everyone should have the right to express their opinion. That is the society we created so long ago. No one has the right to suppress it because they get their feelings hurt – it is just an opinion. You have yours – someone else has theirs. One is not better than the other. Yes? Are you working towards the same goal? Are you even on the same page? In the same book? That is when you might want to stop, take a minute to TALK and see what the issue is. Do your job. If you can’t do your job, admit it and step aside and let someone else do it. It is not about you. That is one reason why after 51 years, we are still TALKING about Dr. King’s dream rather than making it a reality. It is a choice made by people. It is easier to talk, moan, complain, make excuses, point the finger of blame, stir the pot than to actually be a catalyst for real change. You cannot say you represent “the people” then pick and choose which ones. Either its “the people” or it is yourself. The decision to make change always involves compromise. It always starts with one step. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. We didn’t create all the challenges and issues we face today in one day and we certainly won’t solve them in a day. But we can take steps, momentum and initiatives to resolve them – really resolve them.

It is clear that NEITHER side wishes to do this. It is more beneficial to sit and sling mud, words and thrive in utter chaos than to do anything. Keep people ignorant and confused. That is why it is up to US – WE THE PEOPLE – to keep ourselves informed. Do not sit there and merely read one side of things. If you do, you are stupid. If you watch the View and consider yourselves informed, I deeply pray for you. If you only get your news from one source, you are fooling yourself. Now a days, you have to dig deep to get the facts. That is uncomfortable but then so is going silently to gas chambers, yes?

I have always supported my country. I have never trusted my government. After working for a local government, I can tell you more than ever, don’t trust the government. We need to hold people accountable – not just in the government though but in everyday life. That is where it starts. Instead of complaining (which I am guilty of, too) what are we doing about it? Like at work… if there is a problem – do you complain or do you point it out and offer a solution? In church, do you see a need and mumble about it – or do you fill that need? At home, do you expect things to happen – or do you work to make them happen? If you are with a group of friends and you are sitting around talking, someone pops with with a subject you know is sensitive, do you stand firm on your beliefs – or do you cave because they are your friends? (You know Dumbledore did get it right when he pointed out standing up to your friends is pretty hard.) When you see something that needs to be done – do you do it or leave it for someone else? For me it always comes back to – do you return the shopping cart to the cart return – even when its raining?

News Flash – WE ARE THE CHANGE we want to see. It starts with us – right now, where we are – in all we do. If every single one of us just decided to make that simple commitment – and truly if we just made it in one area of our lives – we’d make an impact so big – even Washington could not ignore us. Stop making stupid comments. Stop posting complaints. Post your expectations. Post real solutions. Post our common goals. You need to decide if you are part of the problem or part of the solution. Hate to break it to you but there are problem solvers and problem creators on both side of the proverbial isle. The question you need to ask yourself is – are you tired of merely picking a side? Its time to play a part.


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