As I sit here on this rather chilly day, a million little things race through my head. With that being said, its going to be one of “those” posts. Yep, a messy one. I see you rolling your eyes. Its okay. I’m connecting.

I watched a TED talk this week about a black man who “went under cover” in the Alt Right. It had some good points. I recommend every one to watch it – regardless of your view points. Here are my thoughts on it (and you thought I was going to just mention the video – have you not figured me out by now? LOL) The term Alt Right is applied incorrectly to anyone who remotely holds views opposing the Liberal Democrat agenda; not just white people. In fact, it has slowly been applied to the literal “dictionary” terms of conservative, republican  and even patriot (look it up yourself.) It is in fact pure propaganda. Granted, there are true racists and bigots but you will find that in any race, view points and beliefs. People share more in common than they do in differences. The break down in society stems not in  systemic A,B or C but rather in the simple fact that people have broken down. We have forgotten we are all in this together. We have forgotten and no longer live by part two of the Greatest commandment.

I had the opportunity to attend a workshop about Sunday School and small groups for the church. I was honored to be able to go. In listening to the room and the speakers one key point seemed to resonate with me – the church is hurting. In and of itself it makes sense. Why? Because people/society is hurting. Who makes up the church? People. Folks, the church is a mirror of society. We like to believe we are more but we are not. Often times we stand in our sanctuary and preach a great sermon but fail to act upon that which we proclaim to believe. Why? Not because we are unbelievers. But merely because we are people. The “politics” inside the church are no different from the politics in the workplace and are nicer and tamer than the politics in Washington. Know what the workshop all boiled down to? Relationships. We no longer form relationships with folks. Well, lets be honest, we do. Just not what we are supposed to. Church has become like high school… we have clicks. Sharing the Gospel has become what we are supposed to do not who we are. Look, I am not saying I like or will go door to door. I am in no way an evangelist. But I believe the person I am  is the best testimony to my faith. How many  people have a true relationship with God? Really know Him not just about Him? How many call upon that relationship to strengthen relationships with others? Hence, we have forgotten the First of the Greatest commandments.

I have been helping prepare my son for college. Do you know how much it pains me to do this? I cried this week. There is not one single part of me that wants him to go. I do not want him to go to college. I do not want him to move out. I do not want him to go away. I do not even like it when he goes on dates and is out of the house. I am perfectly fine knowing he is in his room. Each time he takes a step towards independence a part of me feels like it dies. I look at him this week and I see the little boy who used to do this or that. I physically have to tell myself to stop it. I have always known this day would come. I knew I would do these things. Now that it is here, I never knew I would hurt so much. It also really makes me miss my daughter. With her, I knew my son would still be here. Now, neither. I can’t make either of them do anything. We raised them in the right ways. Gave them all the proper tools. Instilled a strong sense of values, love and purpose. He knows we are always with Him. What he chooses to do, is up to him. No one can decide but him the path he takes. It is the same for our daughter. They were never meant to be ours forever. We have always known that. We were to cultivate the relationship. They were gifts from God. As long as I have breath in my body, I will be their mother and I will always give thanks for the opportunity to have served God by raising two extraordinary children.

Speaking of college, I have been looking into scholarship opportunities. As the homeschool administrator, it is part of my responsibilities. My son has far exceeded expectations. Come on, he has a GPA that is nearly perfect, carrying almost a full college course load with a 4.0 average and I am not talking easy courses. Have you seen his math? It looks like a foreign language.  He built a computer from scratch. I can go on. The opportunities out there for traditional and non-traditional students are biased. You think affirmative action is harsh… A young, white, gifted, hard working, straight A, christian male student has very limited opportunities regardless of need because he is not a minority, female, gay, etc. There is even DREAMER scholarships because you are illegal that pays all of your tuition (and you can have a 2.0 GPA.) Politics is one thing but when it comes to our young people, lets look at merit. We are indoctrinating a whole generation and creating ceilings that are solely based on who they are not what they can do. We are teaching them it is ok to place a “card” rather than achieve. This sets a dangerous stage for the future. The sad part is this is being cultivated long before they get to college. It is only perpetuated at that level. When does it end? I will continue my quest. But here is my challenge: build genuine relationships and lift each other up. Earn what you get and you will appreciate it more and bring others with you.

I have a passion for communication. No, not the sit down and let’s have a face to face conversation type. I wish with all my heart I had that. I will be honest, I like sitting behind a computer. I love to weave words into something that is captivating and beautiful or mind blowing and thought provoking. The power of the written word is something that is lost. I love to hold a book. I love the pages. We have lost that art. All these abbreviations have replaced the meanings of things and honestly, I cannot keep up. Painting a picture without paint is something a whole generation cannot do. Soon, cursive writing will become a secret code. Its true!

Computers generate algorithms and  come up with all sorts of things. Searches are done and one simple change is the difference between plagiarism and creative thought. Why? Because no one has to think anymore. It is all done for you. It takes time and energy and in today’s world, no one has time for that. It’s all been done before. No it hasn’t! We use our phones for everything except calling people. I am the number one person guilty of that. Technology has, by all accounts, removed the human interaction out of every day life and we have allowed it. Instead of allowing technology to enhance human connection, we have removed it. We did so willingly and knowingly. When was the last time you used technology to actually enhance a relationship?  Intentionally enhance any relationship?

It is all about connections. I do my best to use what is in front of me, intentionally, for “good.” I’m not on social media – which is odd given I work with social media. Let’s be honest, a bipolar person on social media is a disaster waiting to happen. One bad day and I’d be arrested. I use Pinterest to fill my creative side and need to hoard. I use this blog to write. What if we all used technology for intentional good? Not about us but others?

The greatest commandment: Love the Lord with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul. The second – love one another as you love yourself. You can’t do one without the other. It is all about relationships, connections and being intentional. You can’t sit back and wait for it to happen on its own. You have to jump in with both feet. Just sayin’


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