There is an inspirational quote that reads, “I know what I bring to the table… so trust me when I say I’m not afraid to eat alone.”

I do not know about you but in elementary school and middle school, I never really had to think about who I was going to sit with at lunch because we all sat together as “a class.”  Yep. We were together ALL DAY LONG to include lunch.  If I recall correctly, the teachers took “a break” from us and somehow “disappeared” and we were left under the supervision of cafeteria staff or monitors while they went to the teachers lounge or a plush oasis (just kidding) but in any case, they had a break from us.

High School; however, was a completely different story. We were thrust into an environment with lots of teenagers. You fought for a chair at a clean table and prayed for friends you knew. You also hoped desperately to get a spot where no one could see you so the “picking on you” could commence. Oh, was that just me?  That’s right. There are anti-bullying laws now… like that works.  Have you ever been pelted with food? spit balls? paper ball wads? all while sitting in the school cafeteria? Uh, I have.

What about the break room or cafeteria at work? You are heating up two day left overs in the 50 year old microwave and scoping out a place to sit. Isn’t it human nature to want to sit with someone? Do you ever find yourself sending an email or text or instant message to a friend or co-worker and asking them to join you for a bite to eat?

Inevitably at some point, it has happened to all of us. We invite a friend or family member for that matter, to join us to go out to eat or to eat and they bring, “a friend.”  Now this “friend” is someone we don’t know, don’t like or just have an all around bad feeling about.  How rude!  We didn’t invite a 3rd or 4th even 5th guest to the meal. Back up the boat.

I can hear you now – uh, where are you going with all this?  All this talk of food is making me hungry. I think I need to call my sister – note to self.

I watched this short video on YouTube the other day and I got a little inspired. (Thank you Louis Giglio for the words of inspiration! You have a way with words! Thank you to my husband for sharing! And Thank you God for always knowing how to make things come together AT THE PERFECT moment, when they are NEEDED most. You are an AWESOME God! Amen!) So, hang with me.

Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

WOW! So wait! Why did I chose THAT verse?

I was reminded of something. WHO IS SITTING AT MY TABLE?  Who am I inviting to my table? What is my table? Is it merely a place where I sit to eat food? You can “google” this Psalm and read all the commentaries about it. They vary in the interpretation. Of course it is a metaphor. But let’s pretend it isn’t. If God took a “literal” table and prepared it for us in the middle of our lives – in the middle of the good, the bad and the ugly – in the middle of our friends and our enemies – and told us, “My child. I give you this.  It is for you. I am taking care of you. You need not worry. You need not stress. Sit. Take a load off. ”  If He did this in the middle of let’s say the food court. Who would you let sit at your table as you scarf down your food? Would you be selective? Would you guard your table? Would you let anyone and everyone sit at your table? Would you be scared to sit alone? Would you be ashamed to let people know who’s sitting at your table already? This table, prepared for you, after all, is God’s table.

Today, when “life” happens, The Lord is, as He has always been, my shepherd. Tho I may not always “feel” like it we know feelings are deceiving, I know in my heart, I lack nothing. He makes me lay down in His Grace and care. He leads me and refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for HIS name’s sake. Even though I walk through dark and turbulent times, I WILL FEAR NOT because YOU ARE WITH ME. Your rod, staff, Mercy & Grace, they comfort me.

(Here it comes) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You bless me abundantly. I know that Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in Your house forever.

AMEN. AMEN. AMEN. (translated by me… if you read the KJV or NKJV or NIV it will read differently, just telling you now.)

What if you repeated that everyday to yourself when you got up? Would it make a difference as to who “sat at your table?”

You see, As Pastor Louis pointed out (and as I recall from teaching about the enemy) Satan tries to sit at our table and we let him.  The same table God prepared for us. Why? So often times its because we don’t want to sit alone. Little things creep in…doubt, worry, fear, stress, fatigue, self doubt, etc. Instead of clinging to the promises we know to be true we wrangle with the myths WE fabricate. In those moments of weakness, moments we need more than ever to cling to the Cross of Jesus Christ, we let the empty seats at our table  be filled with strangers or worse yet, satan.  Once Satan sits at our table, well, he can be quite chatty. He can sew seeds of all sorts of misery. That misery can lead to paths that stray us from comfort, peace, grace, mercy and hope.

Friends, sometimes satan doesn’t sit at your table. He sends others, too. Remember the friend of a friend of a friend twice removed? Had a bad feeling about them but… oh, its ok if the folks at my table are gossiping, I’ll just listen. These bad jokes are fine, I’ll never repeat them. I’ll just do this one time. This will never end. I really am a bad person. The world is crashing down. Come on, who are we kidding?  Maybe I am not normal… maybe there really IS something wrong with me.

The thing about being bipolar (especially rapid cycling) is our mood can make things better or worse. We “feel” things very deeply. At least I do. Feeling them and acting upon them are two totally different things. Our brains are just wired differently. One thing about our brains that is 100% like everyone elses (this is true – you can take it to the bank) is our dependency on our Creator. Our heart and our brain was built to depend on God. He created them. God is perfect. He makes no mistakes. He promises that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The world may classify me as something else or as different but not God. He has endowed me with gifts unique to me and only me. He has built me with a purpose. I am one of His perfect creations… just as I am.

So when I say, I DO know what I bring to the table. I do.  I bring GOD the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  I am not afraid to eat alone. For you see,  you may sit at my table but my God prepared it. I have nothing to fear.

I guess in the end, I am NOT eating alone. Are you? Bigger question, who are you letting sit at your table?





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